Friday, September 23, 2011

Reader Submissions 4

I would like to tell my roommate that her station is a pig's stye.  You are too lazy to move the things on your station to clean it and you just wipe the open areas.  People can see the filth on the sides.  People can see the sticky, dirty fingerprints on the sides of your UV light.  I can't understand how they aren't skeeved to put their hands in that light, I mean how hard is it to wipe the bottom each day, if not after every client.  How do you keep clients?

If you use the last of something, please let someone know so that it can be replaced.  It isn't going to appear like magic!

When taking a phone message, if the person gives you important information like what type of appointment they want or what day or time of day they need, WRITE IT DOWN, don't just give me a paper with the name and number on it.  I seem like an idiot when I call them back unprepared!

Everyone needs to quit bitching about Facebook!  How dare they change anything for the better on your when you are paying a whopping $0 for the service they provide!

I don't understand how some people complain about getting a cancellation and then when you fill that spot for them, then they complain that you did.  Are you working or aren't you????  Make up your mind!

You know, if you do a half assed job this week, you will have a hard week in two weeks.  Just suck it up and do a good job all of the time.

I am sorry, I don't have time to do repairs on your clients.  You need to step it up and do a better job and actually come to work so that if your client needs repairs, you can fix them.  If I am fixing them, I am charging them.

Talking on your cell phone or texting while you service a client is RUDE.  You don't like it when client's do it, so don't do it to them.  Nothing is so important than it can't wait until between clients.  These are not emergency texts or calls.

I don't want to hear about your sex life, your bodily functions, your political views or your religious views.  Please keep all of the above to yourself.

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