Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Retired People

Nail Techs all of the time, complain about teenagers or young clients in their twenties.  They complain that they are flakey, miss appointments, late cancel or no show.  I say give me a gaggle of 20 somethings, just take those retired people for me instead.

Retired clients have to be the most needy, annoying clients of all.  I know you know what I am talking about.  They have ALL DAY free, yet they insist that they have an after 5:00 appointment.  I mean really, you can’t come earlier so that someone who is busting their ass all day at work can have that after 5 spot?

So, you give them their precious evening spot and they insist that they want a standing, despite the fact that each and every appointment week, they call to change the appointment.  No matter what time you give them or what day, it is never good.  They want another time slot that is just not available.  They finally settle on a slot that isn’t their original slot and not the slot that they want.  Two weeks go by and the vicious cycle starts all over again.

Come on, YOU ARE RETIRED!  You don’t work!  Your agenda is free!  I should start an Early Bird Special where they get $5 off if they come before 4:00 bet that would make things different………


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