Friday, September 9, 2011

Reader Submissions 2

You can't be a salon owner and only work two days a week, two hours a day.  That's four clients a week and you say you are fully booked?  Give me a break!  You aren't fully booked, you are LAZY!

Dear Industry Know It Alls:  Stop telling me what I need to do to be successful, I am making my own success.  I don't care that you won competitions and practice every day.  I have a life besides work.  I don't want to enter them and just because I don't doesn't mean you are better than I am.

Dear OCD client, please do not inspect your nails until I am completely finished with them. When I am working on one hand, I can see you holding up the other to within 2 cm of your nose out of my peripheral vision. You twist and turn it back and forth until I want to throw my file at you. STOP IT !!

Dear client, please stop anticipating where I’m going next. I don’t need you to turn your finger for me, I can do that all by myself. I know you’re really trying to be helpful and all, but just relax and let me do my job. 

Dear client, no, I don’t cut healthy cuticles, period. Really? Yes, REALLY. I’m not going to back down and cave in, so you can get your ass out of my chair right now and stop wasting my time. Stop acting like this is a life or death matter. They are just cuticles. They won’t grow fangs and bite you. 

Dear new client, you’ve been on my website so you know my salon is in my home. Please do not show up unannounced in the hopes that I’m working on some client so you can ‘see’ what I do. Why would my client want some stranger gawking at her nails? Why do you think I’m going to stop what I’m doing and just answer the door and bring you in? 

Dear new client, you’ve been on my website so you know you need to make alternate arrangements for child care. Why then do you arrive with your child, 40 minutes early for your appointment? And why do you not have anything with you to keep your child occupied? More importantly, why didn’t I boot your ass out the door?

Dear Facebook nail tech, why do you post pictures of other people’s work on your page? I know you’re not claiming it as your own, but your potential clients will think you did it, or even better, that you can do it EXACTLY like the picture. Ha ha, joke’s on you. 

Dear Facebook nail tech, it’s OK if you see a set of nails one of your friends posted, get some inspiration from it and try to copy it for your client. That is hugely flattering. But please, make an effort to at least tag that person or let them know they’ve inspired you. Don’t just post the picture of the nails without any mention of it. We’ve all seen the original set and we know you copied it. 

Dear Facebook nail tech, if someone posts on my wall asking me a specific question about a product I SELL or EDUCATE for, please do not come along and post how wonderful the products are that YOU SELL or EDUCATE with! That is beyond rude and I just want to smack your ass.

Dear Facebook nail tech, it’s OK if you inbox me privately to ask me about a specific technique or product. But when I take the time to provide you with the information you’re looking for, a simple ‘thank you’ would be nice. 

Trust me, it won't hurt my feelings at all if you go to another tech.  I literally have to rev myself up for your appointments because you utterly suck the life out of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, give credit where it is due. Happens to me. I go out of my way to show some fun design and I get nadda in exchange.