Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In this industry we deal with all kinds of thieves.  It depends on the level that you are in your career, which determines what level of thieves you experience.
If you are a salon owner, you probably experience the most common thief.  Every salon has good employees and every salon has a thief.  Every. Single. Salon.  Sometimes the thieves are found out and fired, other times, the thievery isn’t found out until the thief leaves.

Techs steal product all of the time.  A busy salon owner will pull their hair out when they go to the really large jug of monomer that they just got a week ago and there are a few drops left in the jug.  “But we have been really busy”, the staff will explain.  Not THAT busy!  That’s a lot of monomer to use in a week.

Brushes that are supplied to staff members will be missing when the tech isn’t at work, along with other products.  They are obviously doing nails on their off days, most likely their own, more than likely others, being paid on the sly.  Most salons allow you to do your own nails in the salon for no charge and family members for a small supply fee.  There is no reason to take salon supplies home with you unless you are stealing them.  It is never a good idea to travel back and forth with supplies, if you live in a warm climate, you can really mess up the quality of the product if you allow them in a hot car for a period of time.  So, even if the thief didn’t steal these products, most likely they will be ruined and will cost the salon money in the end anyways. 

Techs within the salon will try to steal other techs clients.  You see it all of the time, another tech goes on vacation or is sick and the shady tech will try to make the other tech look bad and try to get the client to rebook with her instead.

All of these examples above, are written from a Salon Owner’s point of view.  There are a number of instances that a Salon Owner has stolen from their staff.  If this has happened to you, I would love for you to write to me and share your experiences, anonymously, of course.

Moving on, you have techs that use photos of other technician’s work that they have found on the Internet and use them as examples of their work.  They use those photos in ads for their business.  How flipping lazy or untalented are you that you can’t use a photo of your own work?  I can understand using a company photo with the brand of the product that you use, that’s what they are provided for, and everyone knows you did not do the nails.   I can’t tell you how many shady people I have seen over the years use OBVIOUS photos of work that they didn’t do.  What happens when someone sees one of those photos and asks them to recreate the nails.  I would LOVE to see a photo of THOSE nails!

My favorite kind of thief is the one that steals all of your ideas.  One that has a salon and tries so hard to be exactly like your salon.  Right now I know of at least six Salon Owners going through this.  Yes, the idea thief may have worked in your salon at one time and learned a lot from you and your salon.  Instead of coming up with their own style or signature, so to say, they just copy what you do.  The joke is on them, though, because people see this and realize this.  How sad to be so unimaginative that you have to use Other People’s Ideas to better yourself or your business.  (How many people just got that?  Gold star if you do!)

It’s time for the thievery to stop.  Stop stealing from your Salon Owner.  Stop stealing from your Staff.  Stop stealing from each other.  Theft is still a crime and it is just plain wrong and it makes you nothing more than a See You Next Tuesday (Platinum star if you get that one!)



Crys said...

and people wonder why I have to watermark all photos of my work. well said :)

Anonymous said...

I am the sharing type, but as the famous quote says "please don't mistake my kindness for weakness". Too many times I've come across something that I wrote for MY website, word-for-word on other people's sites or ads. I have posted on my website not to copy any or all of it without my written permssion. And I'm still seeing it on sites. You want to use it, fine. I am flattered you think it's worthy of sharing. But just ASK ME.