Monday, September 5, 2011

The ClusterF#*K Called Competing

I’ve competed a total of two times in my career.  You always hear that it is such a great experience, that you will learn so much and get so much out of it and it will make you a better tech.  While that may be true, it is not the most awesome experience I have ever had in my life.  Actually, it ranks as one of the most frustrating to date.
You have people who check you in who are rude and bark orders at you at 7:00 in the morning.  Never mind that you are new, have no idea what you are doing.  Yes, the rules were read, yes, the competition class was attended the day before, yet you still don’t know all of the procedures.  Some simple guidance would be appreciated instead of being barked at.

Next, you have the people attending and competing with a supposed language barrier.  I say supposed because I feel some of these people use this as an excuse.  I sat and witnessed one girl, be told over and over that she was not allowed to touch her model.  Yet she continued to do it when no one was looking.  She did this for all three competitions during that two day time period.  At what point, should these people running the competition disqualify her?  I heard a veteran competitor complain and say that she was warned three times and should be asked to leave.  The floor girl just shrugged her shoulders and the rule breaker kept breaking the rules.

I have heard through the years about the rampant cheating that goes on.  I didn’t witness any, but then again, I am new, I wouldn’t know how they cheat.  I didn’t see anyone getting busted for cheating, but then again, no one was really watching things too close.  I know that there were things that I asked about and was told I couldn’t do, yet others were doing it.  When I questioned someone later, I was told it was a miscommunication.

Here’s the worst part, you pay $85 per competition and unless you are one of the top ten, you don’t get a score sheet.  So, no critique for you.  How are you to get better without a critique?  They say that judges will be around later to critique, but I never found one to do it for me.  They say that this type of judging makes it go faster.  REALLY?  It took hours for the judging to be done.  I am kind of happy I didn’t make the top ten or my model would have been sitting in a chair all day long.  No exaggeration.

I think the thing that bothered me the most was reading on Facebook, one of the judges saying something like (totally paraphrasing here) “So proud of my girls today, it was such an honor to hand them their trophies”.  Now this sure sounds like favoritism.  I’m not saying that this happened, but if you put something out there like that for the entire Internet to read, it’s going to make people wonder.

After that first time, I thought what the heck; I will try it again next year.  I thought maybe if I did some research over the next year it would help me.  I also thought maybe the running of the competition was a fluke that last year.  Well, I was wrong.  Nothing changed.  Well, that is not necessarily true, I did make the top ten in two competitions this time, but for the most part, things were the same.

I actually saw an almost knock-down, drag-out figh,t due to one of the judges, being accused by a veteran competitor of letting someone from the company that they own win.  It was crazy.  I realized then and there that nepotism is rampant in the competition arena.  There really isn’t a fair shake given to the no names.

It’s sad that there is so much politics in competitions.  Why can’t we just have a fair and square way to come, have our work judged, critiqued and become better professionals?  That is what is currently being promised, yet that is NOT what is being delivered. 

Signed - Been There, Done That and Moved On


Anonymous said...

Cheating? Okay, here is an example:
Team Leader-Owner has branded his/her own product. Product is awful. All the team members know it. They then switch out the product they are supposed to be using for a much better product that actually works.
Kudos to you for telling it like it is.

Nancy NailTech said...

WOW, that's a new one. Sounds like you have some info for some more indepth post about this subject. Email me anonymously at or

Anonymous said...

good 2 know this b4 hand...thinking seriously I really want to compete...hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...been competing for 3 years and have never experienced or seen anything like this. How can a judge cheat when they only look at the models hands behind a curtain?
And how are u going to get better without a score sheet? I've been there too..pull aside anyone u know that has competed and won and go home, read the rules, take a class..and practice your ass off.

Anonymous said...

So, are you telling me that you couldn't tell someone's hands you see over and over? There are competitors that use the same model year after year. Let's be honest, as nail technicians, you can identify clients by their hands, how is this any different. Sounds to me like you may the be the judge that was called out.......

Anonymous said...

^^personally i could give two shits who you think i am. you sound like an unhappy nail tech who got their ass handed to them on a silver platter because they didn't do their research before they competed. and who is the miserable bish who started this blog anyway? i bet you a cookie if you took the same amount of time practicing your nails you took to put up this bullshit ass blog you would have made top ten and got a score sheet. LOL

*and on a side-note..most top competitors have more than 1 model--even the old number one chic i think the blogger is talking about.. she's a bad bish when it comes to sculptured and salon success--nobody can take that from her, but her attitude is all kinds of shitty and trust me..i know from experience.

nobody is perfect, we all have bad days. if you still believe she should have won ask to see pics of the top 3 in the competition. the proof is in the's a damn shame when a grown ass woman is acting like a child (sore loser)..oh well. *shrugs* gotta run, i need to go practice for the competitions next month.

Nancy NailTech said...

Anonymous Above, I guess you need to read the author's post better. She clearly states that when she came back the next year, she was more prepared and place in the top ten. That was the only thing that changed from one year to two,. The attitudes of competitors and people running the show were the same.

As for who started this blog? Why is it important for you to know? I really don't care who YOU are, that's why I allow you to post comments anonymously. As for the blog postings, they are written by MANY. The blog is owned by one person but is contributed to by many. So, if something offends you, maybe you should look in the mirror because the truth obviously does hurt you. Learn from it.

Anonymous said...

I was in Vegas either last year or in 2009, can't remember but one competition had two people in it. Both got trophies! Nothing like ensuring that you will win. Serioulsy, how can you walk away with a second place trophy when in essense you are LAST PLACE.

Anonymous said...

WOW - What a blog. I was just wondering if that person contacted the powers that be from that comp and let them know. I once heard something about a certain competition and picked up the phone and spoke to someone from the competition and they invited me to come back behind the curtain and really see what happens.

It completely changed my opinion. What I came away with was what an amazing organization that is running those competitions and how dedicated to the competitions they are. They take many precautions on many levels to ensure fairness.

No one is prefect - not even the competitors. But this organization really does the best I have ever seen.

Also I can’t believe that NancyNailtech actually asked for more information to be sent to directly to her! That is not professional in my opinion. Actions like that are what fuel the sour grape syndrome in our industry, and allow the toxic spreading of it also.

Now when I hear a competitor complaining about a competition I ask them, "Did you call them? Or did you just rant about it on a blog?"

If I might suggest instead of just complaining to others who cannot change anything, trying speaking to someone who CAN make decisions and changes.

Nancy NailTech said...

"Also I can’t believe that NancyNailtech actually asked for more information to be sent to directly to her! That is not professional in my opinion. Actions like that are what fuel the sour grape syndrome in our industry, and allow the toxic spreading of it also."

You obviously missed the name of this blog and it's purpose, the ability to say things that you couldn't say otherwise, I was just giving the commenter a way to elaborate and maybe expose more of this charade.

I will leave the author to answer your question if she contacted the proper people.

Nail Gurl said...

I will tell you this, I personally emailed Jewel Cunninham and mailed the exact same thing too in June of 2009 about some issues that were exposed in Orlando. It is now over two years later and I am still waiting for a response. You can say you never got an email or a letter, but you didn't get both?? So, don't hold your breath waiting to hear back fromt he powers that be.

Anonymous said...

There has been a lot of complaining about this blog on peoples' facebook pages. What's the big deal? I think it's great. Of course that's MY opinion. Oh wait. Isn't that what blogs are for? Who cares if things are paraphrased? It's not like the author has said that every single person in the industry has done 'this' or 'that'. She's saying that she's seen something happen. Why take such offense to it? When someone says something about a NSS do you also take offense to that? Does that mean that YOUR shop is automatically a NSS just because the one down the street is? No. Let the writer write her blogs and leave it at that. If you don't like it, don't read it.

People have 'friends' on their friends list on facebook which again, in MY opinion, opens their page up to allow messages and comments, yet when someone makes a comment they don't like they just get upset about it and tell them to leave it on their own page? Then set up your page in such a manner that doesn't allow comments. Do we have to agree with someone in order to allow them to voice their opinion? How fair is that? C'mon, people, grow up. I AM signing this as 'anonymous' simply because I don't want the backlash that would be sent my way.

Nancy, keep writing your blog. There are plenty of us that enjoy it.

Lynnette said...

Seems like there are some people who feel the same way as I do.
For the record, I deleted the comments I made from the page. It looks like you caught it before I pulled it.
I just wanted to give another side to it. I did not agree, so out of being professional and asked to keep it on my page, I took it off. No harm done and none taken. Not even upset over it.
But Anonymous above, I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

keep on writing ur opinions one reader said..if u don't like what u reading...don't come back..there's plenty of things u could b reading besides this blog....I love it so I'll be checking it out on a daily basis.