Friday, September 2, 2011

Reader Submissions

Co-Worker:  It is obvious that you say things just to get a rise out of me and others.  We are on to you.  Stop it.  It’s annoying.
I love when I have to make an emergency supply run because someone was so inconsiderate to use the last of something and not tell anyone.

Quit using my stuff when I am not at the salon.

I am sorry that you had to go shopping and couldn’t make your appointment.  I am sorry I couldn’t fit you in until your next appointment in two weeks.  I am sorry that going four weeks doesn’t work for you.  I am sorry but that is a FULL SET not a fill.  Pay up.

If you call or text me on my day off one more time, so help me, I will return your call or text on Sunday morning at 4 am when I am coming home from the binger that you have forced me on.

Dear OPI, I am sick of your polish getting thick after two uses.  I am tired of flushing my hard earned money away buying your crap, but thanks to your millions in advertising, this is what the client wants.  Please improve your product.

Hey you, Facebook Toot My Own Horn Every Day Person.  You are not that great.  You are not that fabulous.  I am blocking you.

Why yes, it is really easy working on your nails while you eat a bag of chips.  Why would you think otherwise?

Is it really necessary to check your text messages or your FB feed every two seconds while I am trying to do your nails?  I hope your phone melts to your fingers, then you will always have your phone “handy”

Is it really necessary to reschedule one appointment seven times?  Are you really that busy?  Maybe you need to patronize one of those walk in salons from now on.

Your nail just popped off?  On it’s own?  With no help?  It just grew wings or just spontaneously combusted off of your nail bed?  Why do I see teeth marks?

Okay so Thursday at  1, 3 , 5 or 7 won’t work, Friday at 5 won’t work, Saturday at 2 won’t work.  When exactly WILL work for you?  Oh Monday???  When we are closed?  Sure, let me get right on that. 

To the client, who went to another tech, then bragged all over Facebook so I would see, I am so happy to see you a year later, in my chair, after you crawled back with your tail between your legs.

Dear Men:  Quit bitching about your wife getting her nails done, you spend more on beer and hunting supplies.

Please keep your Gay Man Drama Queen drama away from me.  It's getting old.


Anonymous said... reading this blog

Nancy NailTech said...

Thank you! I love writing it and giving others a way to say what they really want, even if I put my own "Twist" on things :o)

Lynnette said...

OMG, this is hysterical. Let me grab a tissue to wipe my eyes from the tears!!! Passing this along!

Anonymous said...

...time for a career change my dear when there are more complaints than compliments :-)

Nancy NailTech said...

Hey Anonymous above, you do realize that these submissions came for eight different people, right? Guess they all need to find a career change?

Sounds to me like you may need to vent. Drop me an email at or