Thursday, October 27, 2011

What is going on with our schools???

Reader Submission (Keep them coming!)

I just have to ask, "What the hell is going on in our schools?"  The students that they are putting out are PATHETIC.  As a salon owner, I realize that I need to train technicians that work in my salon, but OMG, these girls are pitiful even after doing 20 plus hours of one on one training with me.  They can't even polish a fingernail. Seriously.  I have proof.

Here is tech number one, who was let go after six months.  She never progressed.  These photos are from three months into her employment and after over 20 hours of training, constant communication on what she needs to do to be better and demonstrations on how to do things better.

Look at this lovely French polish.  Look at the wonderful shape of the nails.  Look at the ragged free edges and are you BLIND from the lack of cuticle care???

How would she even think that that was acceptable to let walk out the door?  So, we worked AGAIN on her French polish.  Still not better.

Finally, this photo was near the six month mark, right before she was let go.

So we take another new one on, because we all know that it's slim pickings out there.  My other two options were one girl with experience but that was 8 months pregnant and one that was 8 months pregnant with her FOURTH child.  I went with the new graduate because I needed someone now, not after maternity leave and I thought, once again, that I could mold this newbie.  Wrong.

I at least learned from past mistakes.  I was giving her 90 days.  Well 30 is all I needed.  I spent HOURS and  I mean HOURS working one on one with her.  I didn't have a day off in three weeks because my days off were spent working with this girl.  This is what I got.

No shape to the toenails, no trimming.  Polish isn't even to the cuticle.  When I showed her the pictures she said that the client wanted her nails that shape and didn't want them cut.  REALLY?  I explained to her that it is her job to advise the client that she needs her toe nails trimmed and shaped.

Now, over the past month I have preached over and over again, "If you get anything on the skin, remove it"  This is one of the last set of nails she did before she was let go.  HOLY product in the sidewalls and cuticle.  How can you even think this looks good?????

What the hell are they teaching them in school.  Obviously nothing.  This is pitiful.  These girls are LICENSED to do nails and hair too.  OMG I can't imagine what these two would do with hair!  I shudder to think.

I have taken it upon myself to contact the school and let them know how they are failing horribly in the nail department.  They just recently had a staff change and an "Old School" teacher finally retired.  I have been asked to sit on their advisory board and I have jumped at the chance.

Now I know that it's all about attitude too and that these two just weren't meant for the industry, however, they should NOT have been passed and shame on the state board for having such a lame test that these two actually hold a license!  Why should "I" have to be the one who suffers because I expect someone who graduated with a Cosmetology degree and passed our state board exam can actually polish nails.  I can't even imagine what the outcome would be when we tried enhancements.

So for now, I am going to continue to turn business away.  I am not going to subject myself to this torture again.  I will tell you one thing, the next person that applies for a job will have to go through a "try out" so to speak.  I am going to make them polish someone's nails and have them polish someone's toes and have them trim the nails.  If you can't do that, get the hell out of my salon.

--Signed - Why Can't I Clone Myself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I would have read this blog post before I commented on the craptastic work other techs shove out there. Those photos are really similar to those so many post online looks for kudos and they actually get some. I cannot stand subpar work, at the very least can they make the work clean looking? These clients can do a better job at home. Oh how I loath looking at what some other techs will do.