Monday, October 24, 2011

Things that make you go.....Hmmmmmmmmm

So, earlier this year, a link was shared on FB to a blog that promised to expose a competition conspiracy at the 2011 World Nail Championships in Germany.  Many, who follow this blog, have been waiting for the story to be told.  Some of the story has been told, but for the most part, we've just been fed snippets of info by the Author.

The Author alludes to a conspiracy by two main people.  Accused number one is an owner of a company and is accused of rigging competitions to help boost the sales of his company.  Accused number two is a former top competitor that is accused of being the "winner" or helping to provide the winners to help aid the aforementioned company, who's owner is a friend.

Forgive me if I got this all wrong, but this is what "I" perceived from reading the blog.  Fast forward to today, where I saw links to photos from the Long Beach International Beauty Show, where the Nailympics have been resurrected in the US.  I see that accused number 2 is now competing with Crystal Nail product, which is the SAME company that the blog author used to use when she was competing.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

So, since the blog in questions has been pretty dormant, even though it promised to expose the truth, I have to ask myself, was this all just a case of sour grapes?  You lost, so you were mad.  You lost your deal with Crystal Nail and now accused number two has replaced you.  I just have to say Hmmmmmmmm.

Wonder what kind of shenanigans and cheating are going on right now in Long Beach, CA.  I just have to wonder.......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying to follow your blog about this is quite confusing unless you know who the players are.
WOW is all I can say about the person accusing. What an ego. Must be nice to think you can do a nicer nail than the late Tommy H. Eyeballing that one photo, one can see why she made 4th place. Does she have green eyes?