Monday, December 5, 2011

Planning Ahead

Does anyone plan ahead anymore?  I mean, I don't know about the rest of you, but December is a killer month for me, my staff and my salon.  We are crazy busy each and every day.  Yet, there are still people who don't get it.  They must think that we are sitting around waiting to do their nails.

It's not only bad when people call the day that they want an appointment.  It's worse when they want it at a specific time, usually, 5:00.  Really?  I mean, come on.  If the salon you are calling is even half way decent, it is pretty safe to assume that they are not going to have an appointment for you on the day you call and they are never going to have the perfect time that you want.

How about the brides that call the week of their wedding wanting to schedule their nail and pedicure appointment for themselves AND their nine bridesmaids?  Really?  You have been planning this wedding for how long and you call five days before the big day and want us to magically produce 20 spots in our book?

So, if you want your nails done and have them look awesome, and have them prepared in a safe and clean environment, with legal products being used, PLAN AHEAD.  If you don't care about those things, I am sure a walk in place at the mall will be more than happy to apply a set of Chicklet nails with a side of infection.



Anonymous said...

Do you even like your career anymore? I am going to use the term career loosely and maybe I should say "job" because you do nothing but bitch about clients, staff, and fellow technicians. I swear it's like you hate everything and everyone. Why don't you quit and move on. Obviously you cannot stand walk in clients, people who thought they might like their nails done at the last minute, what a crime, anyone who comes from another salon, anyone who doesnt come to you, anyone who isnt exactly like you and on and on goes the list of your shit. And you hate the people you work with. Why bother getting out of bed with your crabby bitch fest of a life?

Anonymous said...

Apparently "anonymous" doesn't understand how this blog works... We, the every day nail tech, send our complaints to her, then she, the "voice" via this blog, blogs our complaints. Yes, we love our careers; that doesn't mean we don't have our complaints. And, this is a SAFE way of griping. You don't like it, stop following.

Nancy NailTech said...

Do you even understand the concept of this blog? To be able to say things that you CAN'T OTHERWISE SAY. It's a way to vent.

I love my CAREER. I like my salon. I like my staff. With all these things being said, it's just like family. There are things that are going to irritate you and you need to vent.

Now, obviously, you have a bug up your ass about me. I really COULDN'T CARE LESS about it (Did I say it right for you this time?) See, even though I have no clue who you are, I know your IP and I know you are the same person who was criticizing my writing in a past post. That's your right, but you are far from being correct.

Another thing to keep in mind, I don't write each and every thing on this blog. I submit things for people who submit them to me anonymously. If I write it, I sign it.

Finally, if you have nothing better to do than bitch about this blog in comments, maybe you should quit reading. It's obvious that this blog bring out the bitch in you. It sounds like you are the unhappy person here.

Nancy NailTech said...

Thank you Anonymous #2, you must have been commenting right when I was. YES! You get it!

Nancy NailTech said...

Also, I would like to say to Anonymous #1, that my salon is by appointment only. We do not cater to walk-ins, nor do we want them. We want our clientele to have time scheduled for them so that we can do the best job. We do not want to have to half ass a job just because they walked in 25 minutes before our next appointment.

We operate on a fully booked schedule with a waiting list for any cancellations that may come in. Our clients love the fact that they get our undivided attention and that they aren't herded through the salon like cattle like in other salons.

To each their own. We don't have time to be sitting around waiting for walkins. We are too busy making money with our scheduled clients :o)

As anonymous as you are said...

Yup this is the place to say whatever the hell you want, and yup you did get it right, and so my question still stands, do you hate your job? Your saying whatever it is you WANT to say is always NEGATIVE BITCHING. You have yet to say one positive word about the industry. So if I get the blog right, crabby pants, then I TOO AM WELCOME TO SAY WHAT I WANT. If that's not the case IP police then shut the bitch down or change the name and come out of hiding yourself. Love how the followers comment that I am anonymous, so unless your name is really anonymous you have NO ROOM TO TALK.

As anonymous as you are said...

Oh crap I forgot, way to talk down to building techs who need walk ins, or other walk in friendly salons, I love how you talk like "you're above" other techs. News flash, your not. Your a wanna be, self important snob.

Nancy NailTech said...

Ummmmmmmmm I think you need a reading lesson. I clearly said "I love my career" Sorry, I don't call it a job, it means way more to me than that.

Now, I say all kinds of wonderful things about this business, my staff, the industry, etc. in other forums other than this blog. How the hell would saying things like that be included in this blog? I mean, why COULDN'T you say things like that. Who would hold those things against you.

Again, you don't get it. No one is putting down anyone. Just because I run a successful business and we are appointment only does not mean that I am putting a newbie tech who relies on walk ins down.

Sounds like you need to up your meds. I'm not responding further to you. You either get it or you don't and if you don't GET THE FUCK OUT. Period.

Get Real said...

So, (Anonymous), I guess since I complain to my sister and my best friend about my husband's sloppiness or his inability to do any chores without being asked, I guess that means that I HATE him and I have an UNHAPPY marriage.

Give us all a break. Word is BT needs a new villain, why don't you fly your broom over to there. Then again, you could have been part of that problem already. Right?

Anonymous said...

@Get real. If you created a blog about how much you hate your husband, how annoying his daily habits are, how ugly he is, how stupid he is, day after day, post after post, I would say "YES you have an unhappy marriage, set the poor guy free from your loathing"
My broom is parked for the night, can I borrow one of yours?