Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Things I Can't Say - Positive Edition

So most of the "Things I really want to say, but can't" are negative.  That's a no brainer.  How many positive things are there to say about life and business that you can't say, in fear of repercussions.  So, it got me thinking and I came up with some positive things about my business that I could NEVER say to anyone other than my spouse, children or close friends.  Why? you ask?  Well, because if I said these things to anyone, I would be accused of bragging.  I am not a bragger.  I am humble.  However, the Troll asked for it, so here it is - The Positive Stuff.

I have made entirely too much money this year.  I have paid off every debt I have ever had.  For the first time, in a long, long, time, I am totally debt free.  I never thought I would see this day.  I have started stockpiling money in different savings accounts.  I have tried to spend it, to get some tax write offs.  I did improvements at the salon.  I brought in new products, new retail and vamped up the furniture.  We are showering our clients with Christmas gifts.  The staff is getting BIG bonuses this year and we are having a formal party this year with spouses invited and entertainment.  I am considering a staff cruise as a reward.  Still, I have way too much money left in the bank.

We have too many clients.  I know that sounds like a good thing, but it really isn't.  We have so many clients, that if we worked non-stop, seven days a week, we would still be busy and have a waiting list.  We are working so much that our backs are hurting.  Our hands ache.  After working all of those hours, there's still the supply ordering, bookwork and cleaning that must be done.  Still, there is the disappointment when we have to turn clients away.  We have no more room in our books.

Our salon has the best technicians in the area.  Yes, they may be sloppy and sometimes be a little lax in their duties, but isn't everyone?  I can honestly say that our technicians are the best around to the point that our competition doesn't even hold a candle to our work.  I guess it's a good thing they charge $5 less than we do, they should charge even less considering the end result that they are putting out, that we end up fixing and thus earning even MORE clients, that we no longer have room for.

So finally, I am proud that I am a female business owner, in a business that I love and thrive at.  I am a successful one as well.  I employ a staff of  seven now.  Each and every one of my technicians is a trained professional, who was trained by me.  With all of the things I deal with each day from salon issues, to staffing issues to client issues, it's no wonder I have things to say.  Things to air out.  I mean really.  Who can I air these things out to?  My spouse doesn't understand.  My best friend is a teacher.  I can't complain about the staff to the staff.

So, I could vent to my peers.  Some of them, would see this as a sign of weakness.  Some like to see any form of it and they just go in for the kill, most of the time behind your back.  So, I and others, vent anonymously.  It gives us a way to get it off our chest.  Without the fear of ridicule.  It is quite cleansing.  You should try it.



As anonymous as you are said...

See how easy that was? There are great things about our industry. It's not full of incompetent staff, rude management, stupid clients with the nerve to be spontaneous, ugly nails, cheap ass salons that don't care, and it's good to say so. Congratulations to you for creating and growing such a successful salon. I can only imagine your staff will be thrilled to death with their rewards. I am not a troll. I made a single small error correction, that you blew out of proportion, and in turn nitpicked everything I said to death. It was uncalled for, and my correction wasn't rude. You on the other hand were. And then you seemed so annoyed with every aspect if the nail care world that I just had to know why you even do it. Nice to know you made room in your ice filled personality for some warm fuzzy feelings. Enjoy your life.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That last comment wasn't condescending at all, was it?