Friday, December 9, 2011

Follower Friday - Reader Submissions 10

It's been awhile since we've had some reader submissions.  I have stockpiled them and here's the latest.  REMEMBER, these are from a lot of other people, so please do not dog on me for bitching, whining and being negative.  This is "Everything you always wanted to say, but couldn't".  --Nancy

As stupid as you look when you make that stupid "kissy face" in all of your photos, you sound even more stupid when you talk like a Valley Girl and you live on the east coast.  Stop dumbing yourself down.  You are giving women and young girls a bad rap.

Don't you just love when you and three of your co-workers are slammed with clients and the one tech, that is either ahead of schedule or had a no show just sits there surfing the Internet, while there are phone calls to be returned, the phone is ringing off of the hook and people are walking in wanting to purchase things?  Maybe if you got off your ass and off the Internet, maybe you would have a client in your chair.

My client that is missing three fingers on one hand doesn't ask for a discount, why should you?

Shellac didn't ruin your nails, YOU DID when you picked it all off, when it is easily removed with acetone, even by you.

Listen carefully.  It is called O.P.I.  Three letters.  It's not Opie.  He was a small boy with an Aunt Bee.

I'm sorry, coming in six weeks later with seven nails missing isn't a FILL it is called a FULL SET.

We realize that WalMart has brought back lay-away for the hoidays, however, we are not WalMart, therefore, payment is expected at the time of your service.

Hey you, with the gift certificate that you won, that we donated to an organization to give to you:  Why must you always want more?  Isn't the ONE service of your choice enough?  Oh, no?  You want two and one for your sister too.  Greed kills.

For the love of everything good, WIPE YOUR FEET!  Do you really think we want your muddy shoes stomping all over our carpet.  I can't imagine what your home looks like!

If you sprinkle while you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat!  Women are HOGS in the bathroom.

Put the phone down!  Put the phone down!  Put the phone down!  The world will not end if you can't touch your phone for an hour.

If you use it up, refill it, if you break it, fix it, if it is empty, refill it, if it drops, pick it up, if it is out of place, put it back, if you dirty it, clean it.  It's really not rocket science.

What is it with people who think that positive things should be written about on here?  The mantra of this site is "Everything you always WANTED to say, but couldn't"  How does all the things you love about this industry fall into this category.  Quit your bitching and if you don't like it don't read it.  You are pathetic.  You probably live alone with a cat.

I see new educators trying so hard to impress people.  Way too hard.  It's actually kind of painful to watch.  If you have to put that much effort into it, maybe you aren't cut out for the job.

To all the judgmental bitches out there who make snide remarks about others who post photos of nails, that they don't think are perfect, where are YOUR photos for US to critique.  Just what I thought.  Shut the fuck up then.


Troll said...

I am truely touched at how important you have made me here. You cannot help but go on and on and on about me and my troll~ish sweet self. I must have touched in you sensitive spot, or you would take the advice you spit out and given up addressing me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AMEN to that last one! Thank you to whoever contributed it. I've been thinking that for a long time.