Friday, November 4, 2011

Follower Friday - Reader Submissions 9

If I had it to do all over again, I would never open a salon.  I would just work for someone else and do my clients and go home.

Some days I really want to go in and say "I quit!", but then remember that I own the place.

Dear client – if you are going to Facebook  me for an appointment the same day, YOU NEED TO CHECK for a reply from me!!!   How many times have I responded to such a request within the hour, many times within minutes, to let you know available times, only to never hear back from you!  Or to hear back after that space in my book is long gone.  Or after I’ve closed for the day.  And no, I can’t magically make time appear again.  If it’s that important that you need to get in ASAP then it’s important enough to pick up the phone and call me.    I don’t care if your Blackberry doesn’t show you the Facebook messages.  YOU initiated the contact via Facebook, so YOU need to check for a reply.

Some people really are full of themselves, especially on Facebook.  Are you really that fabulous or do you just THINK you are.

When YOU don't do YOUR job, you create more work for OTHERS.  Do your job.  Everyone else is!

This is a salon, not a snack bar.

Thank you so much for putting back an EMPTY pot of gel.  It's like going to the refrigerator and seeing an empty milk carton.  How can we order it if we don't know you used the last of it?

It joys me so that I have to stop working on a client to wait on another client that came in the door while you sit there and surf the net in the other room.

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