Thursday, November 17, 2011

Attitude is Everything and Yours Sucks

Today, I finally am going to use your wonderful blog to “Say what I really want to say but can’t”  Why can’t I say what I really want to say?  Because the truth hurts and people will have bruised egos and just up and quit on me.  However, these things need to be said.  Who knows, maybe they are readers of this blog and will see this and think, “Hey, I am being a jerk too” and straighten up.

DO YOUR JOB.  It’s that simple.  You were hired to do a job.  Nothing that is required of you are things that I, as your boss/salon owner, would not do and do not do.  Everything I expect of you, I do myself, and then some.  Why must you all be so lazy?

Why must I feel like a parent, reminding a child to do their chores?  You are adults.  You see me doing it, setting the example, why can’t you do it?  I have the answer for you.  You are lazy.

It is very important to keep accurate client record cards, especially when we all do services on the same person from time to time.  Why are you too lazy to pull the client’s card from the file and instead you make a new card.  So, one person has six cards in all different places.  How is this efficient?  You’ve been told over and over to not do this, yet your laziness wins out every time.

Why must you spell the client’s name in the computer or on their card using your “Hooked on Phonics” method?  I mean I know some people spell their names differently, but come on, not every Linda is Lynda,  not every Kylie is kaileigh, not every Molly is Mollee, etc.  People love their name and it is an insult to them when you misspell their name.  How hard is it to say “Is that Carol with a C or K” or “How do you spell your name?”  Over and over again we go through this.  So in our computer, we have one client in there no less than six different ways.  How hard is it to figure out that one of the five already there that is spelled funky is HER and you don’t need to add another entry.

All of this laziness on your part is just creating more work for me and I am personally sick to death of it.  I don’t know what else to do.  I’ve asked over and over again for you to comply.  We are doing our client’s a disservice due to your laziness and lack of focus.

Quit acting like children and do you mother loving job.  I am tired of doing your job for you, however, I have no choice but to do it.  Keep it up, you will burn me out and I will close, then what will you do?  I am betting your next boss will not be as nice.

--Tired of Working With Inconsiderate Assholes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BRAVA...CLAPPING LOUDLY SO YOU CAN HEAR THRU THE MONITOR..omg I cant tell you how many i hear complain but yet they are not pulling their share into the mix..thanks for saying what should be said!