Monday, November 21, 2011

The Viciousness Of It All

The nail industry is vicious and it is such a shame.  Technicians will put some up on a pedestal and then when they do something that they don't particularly agree with, they will rip that person to shreds.  Sometimes, it is quite disgusting to watch.

It's almost like they get enjoyment from watching a peer go through a bad situation.  What makes it even worse is when they gang up and really go at someone.  Is that really necessary?  To gang up against someone?

Those of us in the business see the same things as you.  Some of us feel the same way as you.  But there are some of us who choose not to be so vicious, and totally lambaste someone in public.  We choose to pick our battles.  We choose to let the person learn from their mistakes with dignity.

Those who are vicious better hope that when they slip up in life, and we all do, that when their time comes that their gang of merry friends will be there to support them.  My guess is that they will turn on you faster than a dress comes off on prom night.  Past history has proven that.

So, everyone should treat each other with a little kindness and respect.  EVEN if you don't think the person deserves it.  Otherwise, you are nothing but a bully and because of people like you, we have to have a website like this, so that people can say things without others holding it against them, even when it is things that they need to hear.



Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like this was in response to VP being attacked for once again stabbing professional nail techs in the back! You can hide and say it's wrong that you get attacked all you want! But anyone with half a brain knows you're the biggest back stabber of all! You're the one that will do anything for a buck, even sell out a profession that's been good to you for years! VP, YOU SUCK! First the whole "African American Nail Art" sell out now Gel Polish! You're a washed up old hack!!! Retire, leave this profession to the real professionals! We're sick of you making our industry look like a joke, the rumors you've spread, the lies you've told, the people you've hurt! Why don't you take a long look in the mirror!!!! It's time we took our industry back and put some pride back into being a Nail Technician!!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I am so sick and tired of this HERD of nail techs bullying people. They need to take a long hard look in the mirror themselves. How many different companies have they worked for over the years. How many bridges have THEY burned. Grow up and pick on someone who deserves it.

Anonymous said...


He who is without sin cast the first stone.

Madge said...


I Remember.......... said...

So what about a certain company who used and abused Tom Bachik for all his talent and information and then sent him packing when they got all they needed. I remember some of these same people who are crucifying VP right now being appalled at how they treated Tom, YET they seem to have forgotten all about it now. Talk about selling out one of our own. It comes down to one thing - IT'S PERSONAL.

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that this blog was for people to vent anonymously--including keeping the subject of the vent anonymous as well. Instead, commentor number one has decided to make personal attacks on an individual who anyone who's been in the business for longer than a year would know by the initials. This kind of behavior is unprofessional, immature, and shouldn't be tolerated, even--maybe especially--on a forum like this. I'm all for venting. Let's just not make it personal.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this platform Nancy Nailtech!

It is childish for crucifying ANYONE for working with a retail company who makes products for people who will ALWAYS DO THEIR OWN NAILS AND NOT COME TO A SALON! For the first time good products are becoming available to public.

How many professionals use OPI, Essie, Orly, Artistic or Debra Lippman products? All of these are available to the public through retail stores.

How many "Celebrity" nailtechs use ONLY retail products on their clients?

Open your eyes enough to see that retail is just a part of the whole pie.

Anonymous said...

What a small world we live in with such close minded people.

Anonymous said...

One can read anything into this. Is this the BT crowd who takes one person and publicly makes fun of and then the site owner tossing one person to the curb when it is all of them who need to take a look in their mirror. Wouldn't you just love to work in a place with those bitches? To be a fly on the wall
Clickety click

Anonymous said...

Someone should give all of those morons a shot of BCCR. If they only knew how stupid they all look.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who sticks up for that moron that got booted on BT is a moron as well.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous three above, I guess you weren't one of the ones publicly posting about VP on FB, right? Lots of pots calling the kettle black. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Vicki who?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous two above-no, but thanks for accusing me of it. Real life has enough drama---those people are not worth the time. I have important things to worry about and BT and VP are not special.
I am grown up. Sounds like you need to heed your own advice.

Anonymous said...

November 21, 2011 11:04 AM comment:
You're right. It could be personal. Maybe all the people that were $hit on by her have had enough. Did you ever think she can't stay at a company because it's her? Not likely that she leaves all those companies because of them now. Would it?

Got Nails said...

Anonymous 7 above me. Now I have to laugh reading the above comment about a tech being booted from BT. You don't know what your talking about and why or how it happened. Best not to make assumptions, makes you look like a stupid ass. When a member abuses several other members via harassing emails over 3 years, they get fair warning. When they won't comply, they get the boot. So I suggest you keep in line and not go out of your way to send dozens of hate filled emails a week or you could be next. And by the way we are all glad you got booted. Not just those involved in your harassing them, but the rest of us who can't stand you for multiple reasons... Now in to VP. I don't have a vested interest in who does their own nails so I don't care if she goes the route of retail.