Friday, April 6, 2012

Who Makes This List?

Okay, this photo has been floating around Facebook for a couple of days.  This is the second time I have seen this "List", maybe even the third time.  Each time I've seen this list I had the same though, "Who in the hell made this list?"

Now, don't get me wrong, there are a number of people on that list that deserve to be on that list.  Then there are those on there that you are like, who the hell is that?  I've been around the block in the past 18 years, I know a lot of people.

So, who actually makes this list?  What's their criteria for making this list?  To me, it looks like any company that submits an "Educator" and I use that term loosely, is ranked based on what classes they teach at shows and what industry events they participate in.

This list is a sham.  You know it and I know it.  This list is lacking.  Even though you can't see the whole list of 40, you have to ask yourself, where is Holly Schippers?  Where is Elaine Watson?  Where is Lynn Lammers?  Where is Joseph Pham?  These people are more talented than some on those list, they educate tirelessly to make us all better professionals.  Where are they?  Maybe they were too humble to toot their own horn.



Anna Banana said...

Yeah! Where is Laura Merzetti or Jen Giovanetti or Colleen Ramsey or Poochie for goodness sakes!

Anonymous said...

KATIE CAZORLA IS NOT A NAIL TECH!!!!!! So why is she on a list of talented techs?! I'm sorry but including a non-tech on the list just brings every tech on the list down in the eyes of the public and other techs who know where the real talent lies!

Anonymous said...

Katie should NOT be on that List; she dropped out of "nail school", for feck's sake!!