Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is Your Second Face Pretty?

Recently, I came across some postings of someone who was criticizing work that was being done at a beauty show.  I decided to look this tech up.  OMG.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!  Her work was subpar, at best, yet here she is criticizing the people who are trying to make her a better nail tech.

Maybe if people, like this tech, would get off of their high horse and quit trying to revel in the mistakes of others and actually try to learn from someone, maybe they can be as awesome as they THINK they are.  Because it is clear to see, they need help.

I just shake my head at some of these people in this industry.  If you are out there, putting yourself out and trying to make a difference and make people better professionals, KUDOS to you.  Don’t let these jealous bitches, who can’t do a decent nail to save their life cut you down.  Carry on.


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